The Flensburg University Team return to Loop Head

The Loop Head Energy Action Partnership (LEAP) welcomes the Flensburg University International Class on the Loop Head Peninsula from the 23rd January until the 26th February 2022, with a focus on mastering solar energy!


Everyone is welcome to the LEAP events and the information sharing on local community WhatsApp groups, Facebook pages and communication networks the partners of Loop Head Together are involved in.


Building on last year’s LEAP Energy Academy, details looked at this year will be:

·         Solar system sizing

·         Investment Costs

·         Payback Period

·         Grants Eligibility

·         Life cycle Analysis of Solar components

·         Solar Technology Demos

·         Knowledge sharing from system owners

·         A practical installation of a small plug-in solar system near the centre of Carrigaholt.


Synergies between energy and other important components for the resilience of the local community will also be in the discussions including life-long learning, innovation support on land and sea, health and wellbeing, biodiversity, climate change flooding risks, leisure and tourism, digitalization, remote working, arts & heritage and housing, planning & infrastructure.


The alignment and support of the Flensburg team with the community development ethos of the LEAP partnership makes for the on-going rich learning, developing and demonstrating environment for all involved.


The community-led Loop Head Energy Action Partnership (LEAP) was initiated in partnership between local development organisations on the Loop Head Peninsula captured within the Loop Head Together initiative, and the University of Flensburg, Germany, who first came to Carrigaholt on the 27th of January 2020. LEAP works with its participants to understand the components of the energy revolution enough to master its potential as we all face up to the many economic, social and environmental challenges of the 2020s in rural Ireland. LEAP, and residents of the Loop Head Peninsula are very welcoming of this partnership with the Flensburg team and look forward to welcoming them on the 23rd January.


For more information please contact Loop Head Together partners or John Aston, LEAP Facilitator and Managing Director, AstonECO.


LEAP is facilitated by AstonECO Management (AstonECO), who support projects prepared to work through partnerships with a community’s sustainable


The Loop Head Energy Project - An update


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